It has been about 1 year since we last saw Mr. Tigger! Tigger and I got out of the Apartment and were missing for days!!! Mom put up Flyers and walked the whole Apartment complex every night looking for us!!! She was on the porch one night and saw me at the bottom of the steps and ran out to get me!!! She thinks someone had me in their Apartment and saw the Flyer and let me go by the apartment!! But We never found Mr. Tigger and we all still miss Him LOTS!!! We purr and pray that he is being treated like the wonderful Brother and Best ManCat that he is and that he thinks about us once in a while!!!!! We will NEVER FORGET HIM!! He is one of a kind and always watched after us!!! We think he even sent Clementine to us!! Here are some wonderful pictures of him!!
Tears & Hugs,
Samantha and Mom
Tears & Hugs,
Samantha and Mom